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How - Tos
Step by step instructions to help with any process related questions
How to Move Action Items to the Daily Planner in Bulk
Create a new group for your action items
View Action Items Assigned to Others
Assign action items to multiple people
Due Dates on Action Items
How to Delete or Complete Action Items in Bulk
Add Action Items to a Note
Copy Action Items
Sort and Reorder Action Items
Assign Action Items to Anyone
Action Item Status - Archive
Write Action Items Not Attached to a Meeting
Insert a link into a Fellow note
Add Talking Points to a Note
How to Delete a Talking Point
Using Tags
Create a tag
Embed media into a Fellow note
Remove embedded media from a Fellow note
Add a Subheading
Add Emojis ✅
Add a section
Edit a section
Add Images, Gifs, and Videos
Edit, Replace, and/or Delete Images
Customize your document
Attach a document to a note
Carry Incomplete Items Forward
Add a Note Series Purpose
Star a Meeting Note/Note Series
Create a custom section template
Remove Notes (and Relationships)
Removing participants from a shared note series
Merge Notes
Finding Meeting Settings
Find Recordings of Meetings Recorded via Zoom or Google Meet
How can I search my previous meeting notes?
Return to Meeting Notes
Basics of a Fellow Meeting Note
Restoring Deleted Calendar Events in Google Calendar
Filter which events appear in your Fellow calendar
Switching from GSuite to Office
Switching from Office to GSuite
Edit Events
Sync Multiple Calendars
Link 1-on-1 to Calendar Event
Create a new event
Hide Calendar Events in Fellow
RSVP to Calendar Events
How to exclude events from Fellow
Restoring events deleted from your Outlook calendar
How to exclude calendars from Fellow