Notes in Fellow are dynamic and fully editable, just like any other text document (like Word or Google Docs). You have the ability to style and customize your document in a variety of ways (and really make it pop)
Editing an item type
If you decide that something should be an action item instead of a talking point, you can easily change that by highlight the text and selecting the new option from the drop down. For example, if I highlighted a talking point then I will see 'Talking point' with a drop down arrow.
Here you can turn a point into a talking point, action item, section heading, section heading 2, paragraph (plain text), bullet point, or numbered list
And if you make a mistake, you can highlight again and select a different option.
Formatting Text
There are options to bold, italicize, underline, strikethrough, and code. You'll just need to select the option that works best for you. And if you hover over each icon you will see the keyboard shortcut, which can help you format faster.
This essentially works the same way as styling text. Highlight the text that you would like to be a different colour, then click on the paint palette icon on the toolbar. (The shape looks almost like a very curved croissant). To undo the colour change and revert back to black, highlight the text and click on the palette again. But this time select the rain drop icon with a slash through it.
This works a lot like the other formatting methods. Highlight the text that you would like to be a different colour, then click on the highlight icon on the toolbar. To undo the highlight, highlight the text and click on the palette again. But this time select the rain drop icon with a slash through it.
Bullets and numbered lists
You can add a bullet or numbered list by using keyboard shortcuts or by changing the item type as shown above.
To add a bullet type: -
or *
To add a numbered list type: 1.
Add subheading
To add the small text underneath a heading, place your cursor on the same line as the header, then press Shift Enter.
Moving/reordering items
You can drag and drop items to move them around the page.
When you click on a line six dots will appear to the left of the item. Click on the dots then drag the item and drop it where you would like it to be.
Changing assignees
The images automatically indicate who typed an item. A case where this would be useful is when a notetaker wants to indicate who is speaking during the meeting.
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