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Add Talking Points to a Note

Different ways to add talking points into notes (1-on-1s, meetings, private/shared note series)

Julia avatar
Written by Julia
Updated over 2 weeks ago

Talking Points (or agenda items) are represented by the circle (❍) in Fellow notes. There are 4 main methods to add action items to notes. These 4 methods can be used in 1-on-1s, meetings, and private/shared note series. 

Here are all four in action:

To break those down ....

Method 1 - Tool Bar 

When you click the talking point icon at the top of the screen (in the tool bar), a talking point will be added to the note for you.

Method 2 - Press return to add another

If there is already a talking point in the document, you'll just need to press return in order to create a 2nd one.

Method 3 - Slash Menu

You can also open up this menu by using the slash ( / ) command. Then select "Talking Point"

Method 4 - Keyboard shortcut () 

If you are all about speed and efficiency, you can use this keyboard shortcut (it's super handy)


If you already have some other text that you would like to be a talking point item, just highlight the text and select "Talking Point" from the drop down

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