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Create a new Objective

How to create objectives and key results

Julia avatar
Written by Julia
Updated over 4 months ago

Objectives are competitive goals supported by key results that outline the steps needed to achieve the goal. These objectives and key results (OKRs) are great for goal setting. But before you can start completing the goals, you'll need to set them in the first place.

*** Objectives are an Enterprise Plan feature ***


  1. In the More menu, click on Objectives

  2. Click on Create objective in the upper right hand corner

  3. Give your objective a title, a due date, and an assignee.

    You can also include a description of the objective, but it is possible to create an objective without this information.

  4. Create your Key Results.

    1. Add a due date

    2. Add an owner

    3. Specify a target (Start/ Current/ Target)

    4. Specify how much this key result should be weighted as part of the overall objective. (Most of the time this will probably just be set as 1x, but if there is a key result that is doubly as important as the others you can increase it to 2x and so on)

  5. Then specify the Objective cycle (in other words the time period when this objective will be worked on)

  6. Specify the visibility and add any contributors. Contributors and assignees will have the ability to edit and update the OKR.

  7. You also have the option to add a parent objective if there is one that applies

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