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Note Series Settings

Check your current settings for each meeting (ex. templates, carry forward)

Julia avatar
Written by Julia
Updated over 2 weeks ago

Every meeting that you have might have its own "defaults" or "preferences". It can be hard to keep track of, but you can use settings to set/edit those defaults. As the meeting organizer, it's important to configure these settings for what works best for each meeting you host.

In settings you can adjust settings for:

These settings can be found by clicking on the lightning bolt icon in the upper right hand corner of the note.

Meeting Details

Meeting details is the place where you can edit the name of the meeting and add/edit a description.


Meeting automations are actions that can be configured to happen before or after the meeting. At its core, meeting automations allow you to automate part of your meeting workflow including:

  • Auto-Record: schedule the Note Taker to auto-record your calls

  • Send Recap: select participants to share the meeting recap with

  • Share to Fellow Channel: select a channel to automatically upload the meeting recap to

  • Recording Disclosure: send an email 1 hour ahead of meetings to external and internal invitees without a Fellow account to disclose the meeting will be recorded.

  • No Agenda Reminder & Cancellation: cancel a meeting if there is no agenda

  • Pre-meeting Reminders: send out reminders to meeting attendees

  • Post-meeting Recaps: send out the notes after the meeting is over

  • Add to Section Reminders: remind select participants that they are required to aadd to a section

** Meeting Automations are a pro feature**


Set a default template for that meeting, or check that the right template is being used.

Sometimes, a template gets saved with incorrect information (like extra talking points). This can get confusing, but to resolve this you can go to settings and see what is part of the template.

Or maybe your meeting has "outgrown" its template. Use settings to Browse templates and find/create a new template that works better.

Tabs and bookmarks

Bookmarks and tabs allow users to pin internal and/or external resources to their Fellow meetings so that everything is easily accessible. There are a few types of bookmarks and tabs including:

Action items

Quickly view complete or incomplete action items that originated during that meeting by turning on the Action items tab. This is a great way to follow-up on action items, and keep everyone accountable.


You never know how well your meetings are going if you never ask the participants for feedback. ** Meeting Feedback is a business feature**

If turned on, the Feedback tab will appear at the top of the meeting. This will be a compilation of any feedback that has been gathered about that meeting.

On Pro Plans, if Request Meeting Feedback is turned on a thumbs up/thumbs down option ('How was the meeting?') will shown at the bottom of the note to encourage people to share their feedback. When they respond they will also be given the opportunity to provide more feedback about what they liked or what they didn't. By default, feedback gathered will be anonymous but you can turn this off in Settings.


An objectives tab can be added to meetings to make it easy to discuss the progress of OKRs during team meetings. This will help ensure that every team member is aligned on project goals. **Objectives are an Enterprise level add on feature**

Apply filters to see specific and relevant Objectives for your team. For example, if this is a Marketing team meeting, I'd filter to only shown Marketing team objectives for the current cycle.

Other bookmarks

Adding a bookmark to another Fellow note, or external site makes it easy for everyone to have access to the same resources (plus it's very easily accessible).

These can be bookmarks to shared note series, YouTube videos, Confluence, etc.


Carry forward is when incomplete action items and/or talking points are carried forward to the next instance of the meeting so that nothing gets lost.

For both talking points and action items, there are three options: Ask me, Always, Never

Always and never are fairly clear, either items are automatically carried forward each time or no items are ever carried forward.

For the Ask me option, when a new note is created you will see a button at the bottom of the note showing the number of incomplete action items and talking points. In this case, I have 7 total.

By clicking on Carry forward, it will add these incomplete talking points and action items to your note.

Calendar Events

For 1-on-1s and team meetings, the notes in Fellow will have a related calendar event. If you have merged the notes for more than one calendar event, you will see all the events associated with the notes.


With this integration section, you can set it up so that all action items are synced to a specific Asana project, ClickUp space, and Trello or board.

For example, if you have a specific Project check-in meeting, you can link that Asana project with the note so that action items created in this meeting will be synced directly with that Asana project.

** These integrations are Pro features**

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