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An overview of the OKR feature in Fellow

Julia avatar
Written by Julia
Updated over a week ago

Setting goals is important for growth. If you're new to setting goals or setting goals in Fellow, this article will give you an overview of the terminology and what you will see when you click into My Objectives.

***Objectives are an Enterprise Plan feature***

Note: If you would like to learn more about OKRs in general, check out this blog post about OKRs and KPIs.

What are Objectives and Key Results?

Objectives are competitive goals that you and your team aim to achieve. Each objective is supported by key results which are metrics or measurements that outline the steps needed to achieve the goal. Together, this makes the system of objectives and key results (or OKRs) for tracking goals and progress.

In Fellow, objectives aren't just the statement itself. Each objective has an assignee, a due date, a status, progress, and the related key results.

What are Cycles?

Cycles are the period of time where the objectives are created and completed. Cycles can be traditional business quarters (Q1 2021, etc.) or they can customized to fit your organization's timelines. These cycles will need to be defined by an Admin in Workspace Settings --> Objective Cycles.

Viewing Objectives

Every objective in Fellow can be designate public (visible to the entire workspace) or private (visible to only the contributors and assignees).

Objectives that are visible to you can be filtered by teams/users, statuses, and cycles. For instance, I can filter it down and view only Sasha's objectives (ones where she is the direct assignee, a member of the assigned team, or a contributor)

Or I can view the objectives for a specific team.

Or I can filter by cycle. I can also multi-select and see objectives for multiple cycles

As a whole, Objectives can also help every team gain visibility and awareness into what everyone else is working on in the organization. You can also ensure that every team has an aligned vision and goals.

Parent and Child Objectives

Since this article's purpose is to define some terminology and give you the lay of the land for Objectives, it's important that we quickly specify what we mean by parent and child objectives.

Parent and child objectives allow for the nesting of objectives. A main objective (the parent) can be broken down into small components (children) to provide more detail and define the key results at every level.

In Fellow, I can view these and the hierarchy using the Tree view.

From a visibility standpoint, there are some specific scenarios concerning parent and child objectives. These are two cases and the outcomes of each:

  • Case 1: Parent objective is public but the child objective is private & you are not a contributor

    • You cannot see the private child objective.

  • Case 2: Parent objective is private & you are not a contributor but Child objective is public

    • You cannot see the parent objective.

What else can I do with Objectives?

Add an objectives tab to a meeting

An objectives tab can be added to the meetings to make it easy to discuss the progress of OKRs during team meetings. This will help ensure that every team member is aligned on project goals. This article explains how you can add the objective tab to meetings.

Add key results to a note

Insert key results into your meeting agenda. This is a great way to connect what you are discussing in a meeting with your team's overall key results. Plus it's great to help stay on track :) Learn more

Comment on the status of an objective

Add a comment to an objective to provide additional context as to the status, the progress, and any other developments - this could include any blockers, or just letting your team know that you are working on it despite not changing the numbers. Learn more

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