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Navigating Note Series

The ins and outs of note series (and the different types)

Julia avatar
Written by Julia
Updated over 2 months ago

Note Series are a core element of Fellow. If you're just starting out with Fellow, you might be wondering what note series are.

This article will guide you through the concept of note series, the different types in Fellow, and other FAQs.

Table of Contents:

What are Note Series?

Note series are digital notepads that you can use on your own or with your team to capture ideas, goals, and whatever else you dream up. These digital notepads are made up of individual notes (usually on the same topic or with the same person) and show up in one long series of notes.

On each stream, you'll be able to customize some of your preferences including carry forward and templates by clicking on the lightning bolt --> Note Series Settings

The Types of Note Series


Meetings in the meeting section are very much linked to a calendar event. Each unique calendar event will have its series. For recurring events, these notes will form one long series of meetings.

The meeting series will automatically pull in the event details so that you and your teammates are all collaborating automatically in the same meeting.

These meetings can be found in the meeting view of your left control panel, or in the home view of your left control panel under the Meetings section:


A 1-on-1 meeting is between you and your manager or direct report, which can also be linked to a calendar event. 1-on-1 meetings between a manager and a direct report have a special Feedback tab that shows both users any feedback received about the direct report.

On the home panel, these meetings are gathered under the 1-on-1 heading. All your 1-on-1 notes can be found there organized by person - meaning that when you click on the name of a person, you will be able to see all your past 1-on-1 notes.

On a technical side of things, you’ll need to link a person’s 1-on-1 to a recurring 1-on-1 in your Google or Office calendar. This way, a new note will be created for every instance of the meeting.

Private or Shared Note Series

These are notes completely private to you. A lot of users use Private Note Series as personal to-do lists. Others use other note series for idea tracking or making note of what they have done that year.

Shared note series are collaborative notes that are not tied to a calendar event. It’s more like a shared note. We recommend using Shared Note Series for group projects, keeping track of group/company goals, and creating process checklists.

These note series can be found on the Home Panel. To confirm who has access to these note series, you can click the share icon > manage access and update if needed.


These are meetings or note series that you have starred. To star a note series, navigate to the note series and click on the star icon next to the title.

Starred note series will initially appear at the top of the Home Panel but you are able to customize the layout of your home panel and categories for starring meetings and tags.

How Note Series are Labelled

From left to right, each note series listed is made up of an icon, meeting or series title, and meeting time/date (if applicable). Here is a breakdown of each of these elements:

You can customize your titles however you’d like in your Home panel so feel free to add emojis to your stream titles!

Merging Note Series

The note series listed above don't need to exist in isolation. If several note series are about the same thing, you can merge them together regardless of the stream type (with one exception)

For example: If I'm working on a project, I might have a meeting series for the kickoff meeting, another meeting series for check-ins, and a shared note series with all the action items for the project. I can merge these all together in one consolidated stream using the triple dot menu --> Merge Note Series option in the upper right-hand corner.

Who can see my Note Series?

Meetings will only be visible to meeting attendees (those on the calendar invite). Your private note series will be completely private to you. And Shared note series will only be seen by people whom you have shared the stream with.

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