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What is Fellow?
Mikaela Friedrich avatar
Written by Mikaela Friedrich
Updated over a week ago

Fellow is a meeting management tool to help managers and their teams with responsibilities and duties. 

Fellow has 4 core principles

  1. Fellow is designed with the end user in mind. It’s a simple, lightweight tool that anyone can use regardless of tech savviness. It doesn’t matter what your role is, whether you’re a manager or IC, work in Sales or IT, Fellow can work for you.

  2. Fellow is purpose-built for meetings and 1-on-1s. Unlike tools like Google Docs or OneNote, Fellow has features specifically designed to make meetings better (ex. carry forward, meeting timer, automations, etc.) versus a simple text editing experience. The team at Fellow is constantly working on new features that will enhance your meeting experience and your workflow in general!

  3. As opposed to some HR tools that you use once a year or once a quarter, Fellow is a tool that you can use regularly. The intent is for Fellow to help you with your workflow and not to be just another place to write, or another task that you are forced to complete. 

  4. Fellow helps the user get work done as opposed to just being a place to record your work. 

✔ Fellow Tip: Interested in trying Fellow? Get started with a free 14 day trial of Fellow Pro. Try Fellow for free

So how does Fellow do this?

Fellow is comprised of several main components that interact with one another. 

1-on-1s: a space for direct reports and their managers to collaborate on an agenda, have a history of past discussions, log feedback, and work on the relationship itself. There’s suggested topics if you are struggling with what to talk about, and smart insights to help ensure that nothing slips through the cracks. 

Meetings: a space to collaborate on a meeting agenda, and assign clear action items so each meeting attendee walks away from the meeting knowing what was achieved and what comes next.

Private & Shared Note Series: spaces to record ideas, notes, and thoughts independent of meetings. Try personal note series to record your personal tasks, your own thoughts and ideas, or even track your impact. While shared note series provide areas to collaborate with your team outside of a calendar event. It's great for group projects, cross-department collaboration, or process checklists.

Action items page: an aggregation of all your action items from meetings, 1-on-1, and note series all in one place. There's also the ability to sort, search and add due dates, ensuring that nothing slips through the cracks.

The feedback inbox: an inbox to send out feedback requests, give feedback, and receive feedback about yourself. [Available on Business and Enterprise plans]

Objectives: an area to set company wide OKRs. By setting them in Fellow, this ensures that the goals are accessible and easily updated. Even better, objectives can be embedded into meetings to keep team members accountable and on track [Available on Business and Enterprise plans]

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