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My Week

An overview of the My Week page

Mirna avatar
Written by Mirna
Updated this week

You can view and manage your meetings easily from within Fellow using your My Week section located on your Home panel. This means that you are now able to create, RSVP, filter out events, and more without having to leave your My Week page!

Create Event

  1. To create an event

    1. Click on the grey plus sign button near the top left of the My Week window to begin creating a new event,

    2. Or simply click on an area in your calendar where you'd like to add an event.

  2. Fill in the event details from the modal that pops up on your right hand side.

    1. Add a title to the event and click on the blue The purpose of this meeting is text to add a clear purpose.

    2. Set your day and time and set the event to repeat or to an all day event by clicking on the grey 3 dot menu.

    3. Once that is set, add your participants. Fellow will pull up their calendars into your calendar view so you can also compare availability.

      1. You can also check out other team members' calendars before clicking to create a new event by searching for them in the Meet with section.

    4. Add a conference call link to your event, and click on the blue Add a description text to expand the box to type in your description.

    5. If you have AI features and the Note Taker enabled on your workspace, you can toggle on Record and Summarize so that the Note Taker can auto-join your call.

    6. Lastly hit the Save button and you're all set!

Meeting Filters

There are two notable filters in the My week page:

  1. No agenda: this filter will grey out all meeting events that do not have an agenda added to it. It will also include the total number of meetings with no agenda in parentheses for your reference.

  2. Meetings I organize: this filter will grey out all meetings where you're not the organizer, so that you can easily spot and edit the events where you are the organizer. Similar to the previous filter, this filter will also include the total number of meetings where you are the organizer in parentheses.

Manage Existing Events

In Fellow, you're only able to edit events where you're the event organizer. You can click on the Meetings I organize filter to quickly view the meetings where you're the organizer. From there, you can:

  1. Click on the event you'd like to edit, and click on the pencil icon to start editing it.

  2. You can also click on the three dot menu in that section to hide the event in Fellow for you.

  3. From that same three dot menu, you're able to fully delete the event from your calendar.


You can manage your calendar view from the View settings. In this drop down menu you will see:

  1. Show weekends: checking this setting on will add the weekend days into your calendar view in Fellow.

  2. Show event icons: checking this filter on will add the No agenda and Unseen changes icons to your calendar events.

  3. View settings: filter which events appear in your Fellow calendar from this drop down menu.

  4. Hide by keyword: clicking on this setting will open your Preferences page in User settings where you can add keywords to filter out events using those keywords.

  5. Open calendar settings: clicking on this setting will open your Preferences page in User settings where you can further manage your calendar settings. Such as:

    1. Adding more timezones to your calendar view

    2. Connecting more calendars to your Fellow account

View Meeting Notes

You can also view a preview of your meeting notes from within your My Week page. To do that, simply click on the meeting event and the meeting note will open on the left hand side.

From there, you can also click on the Open notes button if you'd like to open the meeting note to edit it.

If the meeting was recorded using the Fellow Note Taker, you can also view the summary, transcript, and watch the recording right from the note preview in your My Week view. To do that, click on the recording in the note preview!

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