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Auto-Record options with Fellow Note Taker
Auto-Record options with Fellow Note Taker

Steps on how to stop the Fellow Note Taker from automatically joining and recording your calls

Mirna avatar
Written by Mirna
Updated this week

If the Fellow Note Taker has been auto-joining and recording all your calls, there are a few things you can do to ensure that it only joins the calls you want. If it's been admitted and started recording, you can also remove it from the call to stop it from recording. The following instructions will guide you on how to do that.

Workspace Level Auto-Record and Restriction Settings

Workspace administrators can set auto-record rules that apply to everyone in the workspace or to specific users and their direct reports.

Workspace administrators can also add restrictions that override any auto-recording rules. If a meeting matches the restriction criteria, it will not be recorded under any circumstances.

This can be done from the Workspace settings > Note Taker & AI > Recording Rules & Restrictions page:

User Level Auto-Record Settings

  1. Head to your User settings and choose the Meeting following custom rules option, and then click on View and manage.

  2. From there, click on the Add a rule button.

  3. Setup your custom rules for auto-record in the modal that pops up, and hit the blue Add rule button when done.

Disabling Auto-record

  1. Ensure that your Note Taker settings are set to Only meetings I manually toggle from your Note Taker tab in User settings.

  2. If you're creating meetings from within Fellow or your Google calendar with the Fellow extension installed, you can toggle off the Record and summarize toggle in the event.

  3. You can also disable auto-record on a per meeting series basis. To do this, click your the lightening bolt icon (⚡️) to head into the Automations tab. From there, toggle off auto-record for your meeting series.

Pausing your recording

When the Note Taker is in the meeting, you can choose to go "off the record" by pausing and resuming note taking and recording with the Fellow Note Taker. This allows you to easily handle pausing recording for small talk at the start of a meeting, breaks or sensitive discussions.

How to Pause and resume recordings:

  1. You can pause form the button in the the Chrome Extension for Google by clicking the "Recording" button and clicking "Pause". You can also do it from the Fellow note by clicking the recording button and then clicking "Pause".

  2. To resume click "Paused" and then click "resume"

  3. After the meeting the transcript will indicate that the recording was paused and when playing the recording there will be key events indicating that the recording was paused and resumed.

Remove the Note Taker from a Call

If the Note Taker has been invited and admitted into your call, and you want to stop it from recording, hit the Rec button that appears in red at the top of your not and then hit the Stop button in the modal that pops up.

Deny Entry

If the Note Taker accidentally joins your call, you can deny it entry so that it is not admitted and does not start recording. To deny it entry, click on the attendee list in your call, then click on the 3 dot menu next to the Note Taker, and hit Deny entry!

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