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Disabling users from CSV file

Easily disable multiple users from your Fellow workspace

Julia avatar
Written by Julia
Updated over 7 months ago

We've simplified the process of disabling multiple users from your Fellow workspace! Just upload a CSV file and we'll do the rest. Once uploaded, those users will be disabled from your Fellow workspace.

Here are the steps to bulk disable users from Fellow (+ a few troubleshooting tips)

Note: You will need to be a workspace administrator on the Pro, Business, or Enterprise plan to take advantage of this feature.


  1. Visit Workspace settings --> Manage users

  2. Click on More actions in the upper right hand corner and select Disable users from CSV file

  3. You will then see a screen like this. When it comes to disabling the users, you'll need to upload a CSV file with the emails of the users who you would like to disable. Download the template CSV file to get started.

  4. Import the CSV into your spreadsheet of choice. You'll notice that the first row contains the title of the column, and the second row contains a brief description of what information to add in the column.

  5. Add the emails of the people your would like to disable

  6. Once complete, export the spreadsheet as a CSV and upload the file back into Fellow by either dragging and dropping the file or click on Upload updated CSV file and select the file.

  7. Press Next

    1. If there are any errors in the file, you'll see a message saying "We found errors on X users in your uploaded CSV". Download the annotated CSV file to see what the errors are and resolve them. A description of the error will show up in the far right column. If you are having trouble, view the troubleshooting section below

    2. If there are no errors, you are good to go!

  8. You will see a confirmation message showing the total number of users that you will be disabling. Press Disable to complete the process

  9. Those users have now been disabled! You can see a list of disabled users by clicking on the Disabled users tab in Workspace settings --> Manage users.


Common examples of might cause errors include:

  • An incorrect email that does not match an existing Fellow user. To fix this, review the list of emails and edit any that have errors

  • You will also only be able to ddisable users on your workspace. If there is an email on the list that does not match an existing account, this might also cause an error.

  • If you experience other issues, please contact or reach our to your account manager directly.

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