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Ask Fellow About Any Meeting

Find answers to your questions from any meeting recorded using the Note Taker

Mirna avatar
Written by Mirna
Updated over a month ago

If you have a question about one of your meetings and can't remember which meeting has the answer, you can search for your question using the new Ask Fellow button on the left hand side of Fellow. This will search for information in all of your recorded meetings to answer your question.

Once you click on it, it will open the below where you can ask it a question about any meeting recored using the Fellow Note Taker.

For example, if you were gone on vacation, you can ask it to update you on recorded meetings you were a part of, but were not there for. You will also notice that the title of your chat will automatically update from New chat to something else more relevant to the question asked.

If you exit out of the Ask Fellow modal and reopen it at another time, you will see your past question saved and you can choose to delete it or rename the title of it.

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