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Meeting Recording Clips

Create a snippet from a recorded call

Julia avatar
Written by Julia
Updated over a month ago

With the Fellow Note Taker you're easily able to record, transcribe, and summarize your calls but sometimes you may only need to share or revisit a portion of the discussion. Looking for a previous clip? Jump to this section to find out how to locate it!

Step 1: Find the recording in the Recordings library

Once you have located the recording, click into it and head to step two!

Step 2: Locate Clipping

After clicking into the recording, you'll be able to access the full recording, summary, and transcription of the call. You'll also see the option to clip a snippet of the call along the menu of the video.

Step 3: Select your snippet

Using the blue sliders, select the portion of the video or enter the Start time and End time of the portion you'd like to clip.

Step 4: Update clip name

Before saving, you can update the clip's name by typing the in Clip name bar then hit the Save button.

Step 6: Sharing

After saving, you will be able to set the clip access and email it to your teammates fron the Send tab.

Or you can also share it to a Fellow channel by clicking on the Share tab.

And that's it, you've done it! πŸŽ‰

Where can I find my previous clips?

All previous clippings can be found within the original meeting recap under the Clips tab (A) or from within your Recordings page (B) on the Home Panel:



Can I update a clip's visibility access?

Once a clip has been created, you can update the visibility access on it. To do that, click on the clip you want to update. Once it's open, click on the Send button at the top of the modal.

From there, you will be able to edit the visibility access to Restricted access, Anyone in my workspace, or Anyone with the link.

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