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My desktop app disappeared; how do I find it?

Troubleshoot finding the Fellow application in your screen

Lacey Bemister avatar
Written by Lacey Bemister
Updated over a week ago

Downloading the desktop app makes Fellow more accessible and convenient to use!

You may have recently experienced the Fellow app disappear or had trouble re-opening the application after previously minimizing the window. We have good news! The application is still there, it has just been minimized into a different area.

How to Locate the Fellow App

To open the app initially, you can double-click on the Fellow App Icon.

When you minimize the app, Windows will automatically place Fellow in the system Icon tray that is located on the bottom right of the screen. This happens because the app is still running. It is important to note that in order to re-open the fellow window, this will need to be done by going into the Icon tray.

As long as the Fellow icon is visible in the system tray, the app will continue to run. You can close the app by right-clicking the icon and selecting “exit”. Once the app has fully been closed, you can then re-open the app using the Fellow desktop shortcut.

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