Meeting Guideline Analytics is designed to provide you insight into your team’s meeting habits and compliance with best practices so you can guide your team towards fewer and more effective meetings.
Key Features
Key Metrics: Discover eight key metrics that show non-compliance with meeting best practice, each best practice corresponding to a meeting guideline to help shape a specific meeting habit.
Customizable Filters: Drill down to view the metrics by an organizer, meeting type, and time period.
Exportable Data: Download detailed CSV reports for a granular analysis of meetings and their compliance with best practices.
Navigating to Meeting Guideline Analytics
There are two ways to navigate to meeting guideline analytics.
To navigate to Analytics, click your workspace logo, click Analytics in the dropdown, and then click View Meeting Guideline Analytics.
To navigate from meeting guidelines, click your profile, click Workspace Settings in the dropdown, click Meeting Guidelines and then click View Analytics.
Metric Deep Dive
Let's use an example metric to breakdown what is represented in the metric and the trend chart.
Left Side Metric: Indicates the average for the selected time period.
Right side trend: Shows the weekly change over a period of time, allowing you to to track improvements or identify areas that require attention.
Change compared to previous period: Compare your performance against the previous period average by looking at the percentage point change.
Best in class benchmark: Compare your performance against the best in class benchmark for organizations of a similar size.
Configure meeting guideline: Set up the meeting guideline to help shape behaviours to improve the corresponding metric.
Filtering Your Data
Dig deeper by using the available filters.
By Person: Filter down to look at the meetings organized by a selected person. To view all of the meetings organized by people in that person’s reporting tree, select include direct reports.
Meeting Type: Select whether to include all meetings or internal only or external only. Internal only means all attendees' email domains matched the approved domains in your workspace.
Time period: select a different time period to see how your guideline analytics have changed over time.
The timeframe you select will display data for meetings held within the last full weeks, from Monday to Sunday. For instance, if today is Tuesday and you choose 'Last 4 weeks,' the metrics will cover the four weeks ending on the most recent Sunday.
Exporting Your Data
To perform a more detailed analysis you click to export a CSV file. You’ll receive an email with a report of all of the meetings and all of the people based on the filters you’ve selected.
Metrics Explained
Meetings included in meeting guideline analytics have not been declined, have more than 1 attendee, are not of focus time or out-of-office and are not an all day event.
Meetings with a description
This metric shows the percentage of meetings where there was no meeting description. If the description only has video conference links or Fellow quick links then it won’t be counted as having a description.
The trend charts shows the percentage of meetings that occurred during that week that have a description.
Meetings with 8 or more attendees
This metric shows the percentage of meetings that have 8 or more required attendees.
The trend chart shows the percentage of meetings that occurred during that week that have 8 or more required attendees.
Recurring meetings with no end date
This metric shows the percentage of recurring meetings with 3 or more attendees that have no end date. 2-person meetings are excluded because the best practice for managerial-report 1-on-1s is to have an ongoing recurring meeting.
The trend chart shows the percentage of recurring meetings without an end date if there’s an instance in the recurring series that occurs that week.
Meetings during a no-meeting day
This metric shows the percentage of meetings that are during a no-meeting day over all of the meetings.
The trend chart shows the percentage of meetings that are during a no-meeting day during that week over all of the meetings that occurred during that week.
Non-Speedy meetings
This metric shows the percentage of meetings that are longer than 15 minutes but where the meeting time has a remainder when divided by 15. The speedy meeting guideline shortens meetings 1hr or longer by ten minutes and shortens meetings less than 1 hour by 5 minutes.
For example:
Speedy = 15 min, 20 min, 25 min, 50 min, 1hr 5 min
Not Speedy = 30 min, 45 min, 60 min, 1hr 15 min
The trend chart shows the percentage of meetings that are speedy that occurred during that week.
People above the weekly meeting hours guideline
This metric shows the percentage of individuals surpassing the weekly meeting hours guideline, with the main metric showing the average over the weeks in the selected period. If no weekly meeting hours guideline has been set in meeting guidelines, 20 hours will be used as the guideline.
The trend chart shows the percentage of people that have meetings more than the weekly meeting hours guideline for that week.
Short notice meetings
This metric shows the percentage of meetings that are booked on short notice. If no short notice meeting guideline has been set in meeting guidelines, 4 hours will be used as the guideline.
The trend chart shows the percentage of meetings that are booked on short notice that occurred during that week.
Meetings that started without an agenda
This metric shows the percentage of meetings that start with an agenda meaning there was an edit to the note in Fellow prior to the meeting.
The trend chart shows the percentage of meetings that start with an agenda for meetings that occurred during that week.