During a meeting, make sure that your team is on the same page by importing tasks from your project management tool (like ClickUp, monday.com, or Trello) into your meetings. That way everything will be recorded in one place
Use the / command on your keyboard to open the slash menu.
Select ClickUp from the dropdown
Copy the task ID from ClickUp. You can get this either by clicking on the three dots at the end of the line and pressing Copy ID or grab the ID from the url when viewing a task
Paste the ID into Fellow. Note: when copying the ID it should just contain numbers. Remember to remove the # if it appears at the beginning of the ID. Having the # will cause the button to stay greyed out and the item will not be imported.
The Import task button will turn purple when the task is ready to be imported. Press the button to complete the import
Use the / command on your keyboard to open the slash menu.
Select monday.com from the dropdown
Copy the item URL from monday.com. To get this, click on Copy item link
Paste item URL into Fellow.
The Import item button will turn purple when the task is ready to be imported. Press the button to complete the import