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Workspace Tags

An overview about how tags work in Fellow

Julia avatar
Written by Julia
Updated over 2 months ago

When there are a lot notes, it can be challenging trying to find exactly what you're looking for. But with Workspace Tags, you can label notes and easily find those notes in the future!

In this article, we'll cover:

What are tags?

Tags are a great way to categorize content across your workspace and organize your search results. Tags are editable, and any changes made to a tag are visible to all members of your workspace.

What can I do with tags?

Tags can be created, applied, starred, and edited. Plus you can pick the color. We've split some of the how-tos into these articles:

Ideas how to use tags to find information:

Fellow has some built-in default tags that can be used to:

  • Identify when things are holding you up #blocker

  • Track when your team has come to a #decision

  • Easily find and organize a key #takeaway

  • Prioritize the most important work #urgent

Once tagged, you can search for that item by:

Searching for the tag to see everything that has that tag

Or by searching for the tag in addition to a keyword.

Feel free to create your own tags! Here are some ideas for tags you can create:

  • Tag external #customer information

  • Track #wins

  • Highlight something that aligns with your #company-values (ex. #pace-quickly)

  • Designate something as #high-priority or #priority-high

  • Label everything #project related

Who can see my tags?

Tags themselves will be visible to everyone in your workspace. However, the content you tag will remain private to the users who have access to the note.

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