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Navigation FAQs

How to navigate your Fellow account

Darcy Aubin avatar
Written by Darcy Aubin
Updated over 2 weeks ago

Q: Where are my action items?

A: You can find these in two places- The complete view of your action items have moved to the top of the Home panel for quick access. Meeting specific action items will still be in the same place - only the My Action Items page has changed location. You can also find them on the left hand side of the navigation bar.

Q: Where can I see my Activity Feed?

A: The Activity Feed has moved to the top of the Home panel for quick access.

Q: Where did my Homepage go?

A: We’ve removed the old Homepage, but we’ve retained most of the functionality in other parts of the product. So while that homepage no longer exists, you’ll still be able to access most of the functionality of that homepage in different parts of the product.

Q: Where can I see action items assigned to other people?

A: We no longer have the ability to see an overarching view of action items assigned to teammates across all meetings, but we’re evaluating ways to bring this back! In the meantime, visit the action item tab of a specific meeting or shared meeting to see action items assigned to your teammates in those specific meetings.

Q: What is the difference between a Meeting note series, a 1-on-1 note series, and private/shared note series?

A: For the most part, nothing! Note series are digital notepads you can use on your own or with your team to capture ideas, goals, and whatever else you dream up.

  • A Meeting note series will automatically pull in the event details so that you and your teammates are all collaborating automatically in the same meeting.

  • A 1-on-1 note series is between you and your manager or direct report, which can also be linked to a calendar event. 1-on-1 meeting between a manager and a direct report have a special “Feedback” tab that shows both users any feedback received about the direct report.

  • A Private/shared note series functions the same way, and you get to control who has access to the series.

Q: I have a hard time finding old meetings, what can I do to find them easier?

A: You can Star any meeting and that will add it to the Home panel for quick access whenever you want. You can also search for the name of the meeting using the search icon in the bottom left-hand corner of your screen, or by using the keyboard shortcut: Cmd + K on a Mac, Ctrl + K on Windows.

Q: What happened to the emoji picker?

A: Previously you could select an emoji from a dropdown for each meeting, but now we allow you to customize the meeting title to whatever you want - including emojis! We’ve also migrated your current emojis into the meeting titles so you don’t have to.

Pro Tip: you can use your native OS emoji picker anywhere in Fellow. On a Mac, choose Edit > Emoji & Symbols, or use the keyboard shortcut: `Control + Command (⌘) + Space`. On a Windows machine, you can use the shortcut `Win + .` to invoke the emoji picker.

Q: What does the time on the meetings in the Home panel mean?

A: We’re now displaying the date/time of the next associated event in the panel. That means you now know exactly which meeting notes you’re going to pull up when you click on a meeting from the list. If a meeting is today, it will be a time (ex. 10 am), if it is on another day it will show the date (ex. Jun 23). When a meeting is live, you’ll see a live icon and the time will be green.

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